The construction industry was among the first to adopt drone photography, and they continue to drive innovation with new use cases. In addition to performing fly-overs and site surveys, UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) photogrammetry software can be used to accurately measure distance, elevation, and volume, such as the volume of soil moved during an earthworks project.

Drone inspections

Site Inspections. If responsibles can conduct a site inspection before any construction begins. They are able to generate more precise drawings and eliminate any possible challenges that might emerge as the work starts.

Structural Inspections. Depending on the state of the building the structural inspections before demolition could be one of the riskier task. Drones can support eliminate the need of someone having to risk their lives to peform these inspections by allowing to view harder-to-reach areas with the drone.

Drone Surveying

Advanced Point Cloud Scanning. Drones are far more effective than the previous conventional methods of point cloud scanning. The aerial perspective that drones provide give a better angle to analysis of the topography of a site and can generate a better point cloud to create a 3D model.

Construction Marketing & Hyper-lapses

Aerial Photographs of Progress. These photos can be helpful with keeping investors updated on a build and can also be used to improve marketing for a project.

Project Coordination

Monitor a Site for Safety. Construction managers can identify potential risks.

Project Completion Checks. Once a build is complete, there is still a need for various assessments and checks that need to be conducted. Drones can provide thermal imaging of a building to ensure that it is structurally sound. That’s also helpful for judging energy efficiency, as you can identify hot and cold regions within a building.

Facility Management

Government Regulation. Depending on the scope of a construction project, there may be a need to involve the local authorities. Drone use helps you quickly and easily obtain any of the data required in such a situation.