What is Dynamo?

Dynamo is a visual programming tool that works with Revit. Dynamo extends the power of Revit by providing access to the Revit API (Application Programming Interface) in a more accessible manner. Rather than typing code, with Dynamo you create programs by manipulating graphic elements called “nodes”

Dynamo node

In Dynamo, each node performs a specific task. Nodes have inputs and outputs. The outputs from one node are connected to inputs on another using “wires”. The program or “graph” flows from node to node through the network of wires. The result is a graphic representation of the steps required to achieve the end design.

computational design

One of the strengths of visual programming and Dynamo, in particular, is ready access to a library of nodes. Instead of having to remember the exact code you need to type to perform a certain task, in Dynamo you can simply browse the library to find the node you need.

Likewise, a contributing factor to Dynamo’s success is its user community. In addition to providing help on its forum, Dynamo users can also create node libraries or “packages” and upload them to a central repository. This repository can be searched directly from inside of Dynamo. To install the package, simply click the download button and it will install directly into Dynamo.

Reasons to be using Dynamo

  1. Automate repetitive tasks
  2. Access your building data
  3. Explore multiple design options
  4. Test Performance
  5. Think Computationally

To learn more details about Dynamo and have a free course to beginners. Please visit this Archsmarter post entry.