In 2011 with the publication of the United Kingdom’s Government Construction Strategy. The theoretical advantages of BIM started to be craft into legislation in order to be implemented.

At that time the government foreseen construction as one of the potential engines of the economy and in BIM an opportunity to gain efficiency. It was estimated that 40% of construction spending in the U.K. were/are done by the government. Who else would be more interested in improving efficiency? In addition to the efficiency gain a positive side-effects such as reducing carbon foot-print of buildings and the industry as a whole.

A cross-industry collaboration was established to create the BIM requirements that would be used in all the projects. Adoption jump from around 10% in 2011 to impressive 70% in 2019 and with awareness becoming universal in the industry only as little as 2% of the surveyed professional were neither aware or using it in 2019 in comparison with the 43% in 2011.

Source: Statista 2020

With PAS 1192 standard establish the path was set to archiving the goal of having the use of BIM as a mandatory to all public investment spent in construction in the U.K. as from 2016.

Now having more mature and stable technology to fulfill the BIM framework. The world’s firs international standard for BIM was released earlier 2019, ISO 19650-1 and ISO 19650-2. Those standards were created based on the existing Britsh standards BS 1192 and PAS 1192-2. Like this the United Kingdom is leading a silent revolution to BIM becoming an industry standard globally.